Unit 5 FRQs

  • Due Feb 11, 2021 at 12:15pm
  • Points 80
  • Questions 2
  • Available after Feb 11, 2021 at 11am
  • Time Limit 75 Minutes


You are going to type directly into the text box on the next page. Be VERY CAREFUL of not closing your tab, clicking refresh, hitting previous page, etc. You can also open a new window for a new Google Doc which will autosave your response. Then you can copy and paste your response into the text box. When you are using your resources, open them in a completely different window, not just a separate tab. 

You have 75 MINUTES to complete BOTH questions!

You can, of course use your resources, but be mindful of your time. You will not get an extension on the time if you don't finish. Additionally, beware of looking up outside information and COPYING it into your response--that is an academic integrity violation and makes me sad. 

If you have any issues, log into Zoom during your scheduled exam time and I will answer your questions!

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